Training Courses

OXARC offers multiple welding classes at three different levels and welding processes (Stick, Dual Shield/Inner Shield, Mig or Tig). Courses are designed around the most common industry standards: AWS, ASME, API 1104, WABO Welding Certifications upon completion
Beginner/Entry-Level: (5 Weeks/160 Hours) This course will teach a general concept of the welding fundamentals, principles and welding techniques required for the welding process chosen by the student. All welding will be on mild steel.
Intermediate: (5 Weeks/160 Hours) Welders entering this course should have experience at welding and good fundamental knowledge of the welding process for which they are training. This course is geared towards the welder doing complete full penetration on plate or pipe for a given process. All welding will be on mild steel. Upon completion of the course, welders will be given the opportunity to become certified to one of the industry standards.
Advanced: (5 Weeks/160 Hours) This course is designed for the experienced welder. Welders taking this course should have extensive experience at welding. This course will be tailor-made for each student. The curriculum is designed around the welder obtaining certification to one of the industry standards.
Advanced II: (5 Weeks/160 Hours) Welders taking this course should have extensive welding experience and have, or have had certification in one or more of the following processes: SMAW, FCAW, GMAW, GTAW. Prerequisite: 5wks (160hrs) Advanced Welding.